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Lewis   6 марта 2024, 09:48  ::
I've learned so much of Russia's origin with you book Julius! That completely changed my opinion about Russian people. Thanks for that. Now it is clear to me, that all the current problems are falsifications, which have been deliberately stirred up predominantly by USA and its allies. Bloody politicians. Your style is great, by the way.
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Ответ 22 марта 2024, 15:31
Thanks, Lewis. The major idea is that we, Europeans are, in fact, much closer to each other, then our politicians think. The more stupid look constant wars between kindred Europeans. It is like struggle between brothers. Who benefit from it? Only anglosaxons, only Americans. By the way, I historically do NOT consider England to be a european country at all (hence the "brexit" was predetermined). They were separated from mainland and is development by La Mansh. Therefore they legged behind the civilisation mainstream until been conquered by the Romans. All their "culture" came from the Roman Empire, in fact. Only 2 countries did not succumb to the Romans: Russia and Germany. The more stupid were the constant wars between them...